Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dance Concert!

Jacqueline & Danika had their dance concert on Friday.  They did a great job!  They already had their costumes off here- (I love this dance studio because they always have the girls wear a leotard under their costume- not many dance places keep it modest!) 

Bubbie & Grandpa came too- which was nice because Ryan didn't get to come because he had a scout campout.  :(
They were such a huge help with the kids- Bubbie even sat in the back of the auditorium with Harrison the entire time so I could videotape the girls' dances for Ryan.   Thank you, Mom & Dad!
(--I'm going to try to post video of the concert later so you can watch them, too!)


Gwyn said...

We loved seeing the girls perform. Harrison danced along with the music!! So cute!!!:)

Kathy C said...

Katie says that the girls look like twins in their leotards! =) It was fun watching their videos at Ben's house. Great job, Jacqueline and Danika!